Photographers, photographees, loving friends and family, and none of the above… Welcome to the photography Blog!

For your convenience, the blog site is split into various categories: Blogs, Vlogs, and Phlogs. Blogs and Vlogs are common terms nowadays. Both include topics that are researched, experimented, educational, or just for entertainment and sometimes they shed light on the author’s personal and work life. Phlogs on the other hand have questionable news for questionable people. They’re a work in progress, but I love satire. Just to clarify, ‘photographees’ probably isn’t a word, so don’t go using that around your friends. Or at least you can’t say I didn’t warn you.

About the author:

The author is a full-time photographer based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Being based of out of Arizona means he probably takes a lot of desert photos (Arizona is very… deserty).  He hasn’t quite hit 30 years of age, but he’s okay with that. He left the terribly boring world of finance for full-time photography in 2018. And if you consider yourself a dedicated stalker, you can also see his rock band Thoughts Like Rockets at Go on, I’m not judging.


April 11, 2018

Welcome to the Blog